
Never change yourself.

Ok everyone. My name is Emily (aka onetaurus).

As you all know Miss Stardoll World 2011 is fast approaching and some of you may feel pressured to change yourself because you feel as if you're not good enough to win or have been called 'ugly'.
Well, I am here to tell you NOT to change!
No-one should change themselves because of what people say about them.
Everyone has a unique and fabulous style that should be presented to the world! Everyone is different and that is why everyone will cop a bit of criticism at one stage or another in their lifetime!
Please do not change, but shine out you light to everyone available!
Let people know that whatever your style is, that it's your and you like it no matter what anyone says!

People have even me ugly. Even recently too.
So I do know how it feels but you shouldn't be pressured into changing. It's not right and it's not fair.
You are who you are and you can't change that. Likewise they are who they are and therefore everyone is going to have 'haters' along the line.
Changing to be someone who you are not (even just your medoll!) shouldn't be encouraged! To me it is not necessary and is horrible and makes people a bad influence to other people especially to the little ones here on Stardoll.
Be someone people can look up to!
Be yourself!

-Emily ♥♥

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